本校於大正二年(西元1913年)創立,「臺灣總督府國語學校附屬小學校」為本校的創校名稱,二月十三日為創校日。 在日據時代,本校以大學教授、醫生和高官的子弟居多,就算是日本人,也要家境良好的才能就讀本校。
昭和二年(西元1927年)四月一日,第一位臺灣人--許伯珽進入本校就讀(父親許丙先生是日本貴族院議員)。當時如果要進本校就讀,除了要通過入學考試之外,還要抽籤,所以能入學的學生都是相當優秀的。 第二次世界大戰日本戰敗,當時本校名為「臺灣總督府臺北師範學校附屬第一國民學校」。
Our school was established on February 13, 1913, during the Japanese regime in Taiwan. The school name was "The Affiliated Elementary School of Mandarin School of Taiwan Governor's office". February 13th is our school's birthday. During the Japanese regime, the students were mainly the children of university professors, doctors, or high-ranking government officials.
Even Japanese should have good family background in order to study in this school. On April 1st, 1927, we had the first Taiwanese student, Shiu Bor-tin. (His father Shiu Bin was a member of Japanese Nobles' Council) During then, if a student intended to study in this school, he or she should first pass an entrance exam and then draw lots to get the formal entry. Therefore, any student who managed to enter this school was very excellent.
After Japan's defeat in the Second World War, our school name was changed to be "The First Civil School of Taipei Teachers School of Taiwan Governor's Office" and was taken over by R.O.C government. In 1945, it was renamed as "The Elementary School of Taiwan Provincial Taipei Girls' Teachers School". Later, the "Teachers School" was re-organized to be the "Teachers College", and was changed from being subordinate to Taiwan to be Taipei. The Teachers College was re-organized several times, which also caused the changing of our school name from time to time.
Since 1913, our school is now 95 years old, with 32 years in the Japanese regime (9 principals), and 63 years (17 principals) since Taiwan's restoration from Japan.
◎ Year 02 (1913) Named as Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Government House Chinese School
◎ Year 08 (1919) Name as Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Government House, Taipei Normal School
◎ Year 16 (1927) Name as Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Government House, Taipei First Normal School
◎ Year 30 (1941) Name as Affiliated First Elementary School of Taipei First Normal School Taiwan Government House
◎ Year 32 (1943) Name as Affiliated First Elementary School of Taipei Normal School Taiwan Government House
◎ Year 34 (1945) Due to The Restoration from Japan, Name as Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Provincial Taipei Female Normal School
◎ Year 55 (1966) Due to the System Changed , Name as Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Provincial Taipei Girl Teachers' Junior College
◎ Year 56 (1967) Due to the vassalage to Taipei City , renamed as Affiliated Elementary School Taipei Municipal Girl Teachers' Junior College
◎ Year 68 (1979) Renamed as Affiliated Elementary School of Taipei Municipal Teacher's Junior College
◎ Year 76 (1987) Due to the system changed from Junior college to College, renamed as Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal Teachers College
◎ Year 02 (1913) 臺灣總督府國語學校附屬小學校 Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Government House Chinese School
◎ Year 08 (1919) 臺灣總督府臺北師範學校附屬小學校 Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Government House, Taipei Normal School
◎ Year 16 (1927) 臺灣總督府臺北第一師範學校附屬小學校 Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Government House, Taipei First Normal School
◎ Year 30 (1941) 臺灣總督府臺北第一師範學校附屬第一小學校 Affiliated First Elementary School of Taipei First Normal School Taiwan Government House
◎ Year 32 (1943) 臺灣總督府臺北師範學校附屬小學校 Affiliated First Elementary School of Taipei Normal School Taiwan Government House
◎ Year 34 (1945) 臺灣省立臺北女子師範學校附屬小學 Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Provincial Taipei Female Normal School
◎ Year 55 (1966) 臺灣省立臺北女子師範專科學校附屬小學 Affiliated Elementary School of Taiwan Provincial Taipei Girl Teachers' Junior College
◎ Year 56 (1967) 臺北市立女子師範專科學校附屬國民小學 Affiliated Elementary School Taipei Municipal Girl Teachers' Junior College
◎ Year 68 (1979) 臺北市立師範專科學校附屬國民小學 Elementary School of Taipei Municipal Teacher's Junior College
◎ Year 76 (1987) 臺北市立師範學院附設實驗國民小學 Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal Teachers College
◎ Year 94 (2005) 臺北市立教育大學附設實驗國民小學 Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education