
Firefox: Tabbrowser Extensions更新版(2004122601)

檔案版本: Ver.1.12.2004122601 for Netscape 7 & Mozilla & Firefox

作者網頁: http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/xul/tabextensions/index.html.en

檔案下載: Download Tabbrowser Extensions [tabextensions_en.xpi]

更新說明: 1.12.2004122601

* Modified: Some data (stored tab sessions, backups of sessions, cache of closed tabs, etc.) are saved to independent files separately.
* Fixed: Broken appearance of some cases (first tab, last tab, selected tab, the leftside of selected, and the rightside of the selected) disappeared.
* Fixed: Status of tabs are saved and restored correctly, including "locked" and so on.