公司名稱: The eMule Plus Team
公司首頁: http://emuleplus.info/
更新日期: March 21, 2005
檔案大小: 2,370 KB
檔案授權: Open Source
作業系統: Windows (All)
解除安裝: 有
面版更換: No; Supports XP Themes
eMule Plus是一個相容於eMule的P2P下載程式,改善原本使用者圖形介面,提供更好的使用經驗。軟體公司宣稱本軟體不含間諜程式或廣告程式。
●FEATURE: updated algorithm to retrieve server description
●FEATURE: server like source exchange system
●FEATURE: possibility to sort parts by Accepted Requests in the shared files list
●FEATURE: saving of second sorting level for shared files list when default sorting settings're not in use
● FEATURE: dim hidden part on part traffic progress bar {DopeFish}
●CHANGE: faster shared files list sorting by some criteria, and other lists by file name
●CHANGE: rewritten shared files list sorting to make it according to other lists
●CHANGE: consider files .cbz and .cbr as documents {Beltxo}
●CHANGE: WebServer: added User Nick to page title
●CHANGE: WebServer: added tooltips for Clear All and Timer On/Off