
魔戒DVD: 魔戒三部曲-王者歸來導演版

符號說明: ○原本場景 ☆全新場景 ■加長場景
■ 01-魔戒的由來 The Finding of the Ring
○ 02-前往十字路口 Journey to the Cross-roads
■ 03-通往艾辛格之路 The Road to Isengard
☆ 04-薩魯曼之聲 The Voice of Saruman
■ 05-重返伊多拉斯 Return to Edoras
○ 06-咕魯的陰謀詭計 Gollum's Villainy
☆ 07-伊歐玟的夢 Eowyn's Dream
■ 08-真知晶球 The Palantir
○ 09-亞玟的夢 Arwen's Vision
○ 10-重鑄納希爾聖劍 The Reforging of Narsil
■ 11-米那斯提力斯 Minas Tirith
☆ 12-剛鐸的淪落 The Decline of Gondor
☆ 13-先王的十字路口 Cross-roads of the Fallen King
■ 14-暴風雨前的寧靜 The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
○ 15-米那斯魔窟 Minas Morgul
☆ 16-山姆的警告 Sam's Warning
○ 17-皮聘的任務 Pippin's Task
■ 18-奧斯吉力亞斯遭到攻擊 Osgiliath Invaded
○ 19-點燃烽火 The Lighting of the Beacons
■ 20-希優頓的決定 Theoden's Decision
■ 21-奧斯吉力亞斯的淪陷 The Fall of Osgiliath
☆ 22-巫師的徒弟 The Wizard's Pupil
○ 23-西力斯昂哥的階梯 The Stairs of Cirith Ungol
○ 24-最犀利的武器就是勇氣 Courage is the Best Defense
☆ 25-高塔衛兵皮瑞格林 Peregrin of the Tower Guard
○ 26-對迪耐瑟的效忠 Allegiance to Denethor
○ 27-山姆和佛羅多分道揚鑣 The Parting of Sam and Frodo
■ 28-法拉墨的犧牲 The Sacrifice of Faramir
■ 29-在登哈洛調派大軍 Marshalling at Dunharrow
○ 30-安都瑞爾-西方之炎 Anduril-Flame of the West
■ 31-亞拉岡步上亡者之道 Aragorn Takes the Paths of the Dead
○ 32-別再悲傷 No More Despair
■ 33-丁默山-亡靈之山 Dwimorberg-The Haunted Mountain
○ 34-洛汗全軍集結 The Muster of Rohan
■ 35-亡者之道 The Paths of the Dead
■ 36-剛鐸攻城戰 The Siege of Gondor
☆ 37-昂巴的海盜船 The Corsairs of Umbar
○ 38-屍羅的巢穴 Shelob's Lair
☆ 39-梅里的勇氣 Merry's Simple Courage
○ 40-葛龍德-來自地獄的破城鎚 Grond-The Hammer of the Underworld
■ 41-宰相的墳墓 The Tomb of the Stewards
○ 42-剛鐸城門被攻陷 Breaking the Gate of Gondor
○ 43-山姆衛斯先生的抉擇 The Choice of Master Samwise
○ 44-迪耐瑟的瘋狂行為 Denethor's Madness
☆ 45-巫王的時刻 The Witch King's Hour
○ 46-洛汗驃騎衝鋒陷陣 The Ride of the Rohirrim
■ 47-迪耐瑟的火葬堆 The Pyre of Denethor
■ 48-帕藍諾平原大戰 The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
○ 49-一片遼闊的綠茵 A Far Green Country
○ 50-戒靈和他的獵物 The Nazgul and His Prey
○ 51-黑色大船 The Black Ships
○ 52-洛汗女騎士 Shieldmaiden of Rohan
■ 53-米那斯提力斯的勝利 Victory at Minas Tirith
○ 54-希優頓王不幸去世 The Passing of Theoden
○ 55-實現誓言 Oaths Fulfilled
☆ 56-醫院 The Houses of Healing
■ 57-皮聘照顧梅里 Pippin Looks After Merry
■ 58-西力斯昂哥之塔 The Tower of Cirith Ungol
■ 59-最後的爭論 The Last Debate
☆ 60-亞拉岡控制真知晶球 Aragorn Masters the Palantir
☆ 61-將軍與王女 The Captain and the White Lady
☆ 62-與半獸人同行 In the Company of Orcs
■ 63-魔影之境 The Land of Shadow
☆ 64-索倫之口 The Mouth of Sauron
○ 65-黑門的開啟 The Black Gate Opens
○ 66-我不能替你背負重擔...但是我可以揹你 I Can't Carry It for You...but I Can Carry you
○ 67-最後的奮戰 The Last Move
■ 68-末日火山 Mount Doom
○ 69-巨鷹來了 The Eagles Are Coming
○ 70-末日火山的裂隙 The Crack of Doom
○ 71-黑暗魔君索倫的滅亡 Sauron Defeated
○ 72-一切的結束 The End of All Things
○ 73-魔戒遠征隊的團聚 The Fellowship Reunited
○ 74-王者再臨 The Return of the King
○ 75-歸鄉旅程 Homeward Bound
○ 76-灰港岸 The Grey Havens