符號說明: ○原本場景 ☆全新場景 ■加長場景
○ 01-摩瑞雅礦坑 The Foundations of Stone
☆ 02-精靈繩子 Elven Rope
■ 03-馴服史麥戈 The Taming of Smeagol
■ 04-強獸人 The Uruk-hai
○ 05-三名獵人 The Three Hunters
■ 06-燃燒的西谷 The Burning of the Westfold
☆ 07-艾辛淺灘大屠殺 Massacre at the Fords of Ilsen
■ 08-伊歐墨的放逐 The Banishment of Eomer
○ 09-追蹤強獸人 On the Trail of the Uruk-hai
■ 10-夜宿法貢森林外 Night Camp at Fangorn
○ 11-洛汗國驃騎 The Riders of Rohan
○ 12-梅里和皮聘的命運 The Fate of Merry and Pippin
○ 13-樹鬚 Treebeard
■ 14-穿過死亡沼澤 The Pasage of the Marshes
■ 15-白騎士 The White Rider
☆ 16-樹妻之歌 The Song of the Entwives
☆ 17-努曼諾爾的繼承人 The Heir of Numenor
○ 18-黑門關閉 The Black Gate is Closed
☆ 19-樹人飲料 Ent Draft
■ 20-金殿裡的國王 The King of the Golden Hall
☆ 21-希優德的葬禮 The Funeral of Theodred
○ 22-墳前的永誌花 Simbelmyne on the Burial Mounds
○ 23-國王的決定 The King's Decision
☆ 24-布理哥 Brego
☆ 25-巴拉漢之戒 The Ring of Barahir
○ 26-王女 A Daughter of Kings
○ 27-撤離伊多拉斯 Exodus from Edoras
○ 28-伊西立安森林 The Forests of Ithilien
○ 29-咕魯和史麥戈 Gollum and Smeagol
■ 30-香草和燉兔肉 Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
■ 31-女矮人 Dwarf Women
☆ 32-登丹人 One of the Dunedain
■ 33-暮星 The Evenstar
○ 34-艾辛格的座狼 The Wolves of Isengard
■ 35-聖盔谷 Helm's Deep
○ 36-艾辛格大軍傾巢而出 Isengard Unleashed
○ 37-主神的祝福 The Grace of the Valar
○ 38-亞玟的命運 Arwen's Fate
○ 39-羅瑞安的預言 The Stor Foreseen from Lorien
■ 40-西方的希望 The Window on the West
☆ 41-剛鐸宰相之子 Sons of the Steward
■ 42-禁忌之地 The Forbidden Pool
○ 43-亞拉岡歸來 Aragon's Return
○ 44-樹人會議 Entmoot
■ 45-輝煌的過去 The GLittering Caves
○ 46-駿馬或驃騎在哪兒? Where is the Horse and the Rider?
☆ 47-別急,梅里雅達克 Don't be Hasty, Master Meriadoc!
○ 48-精靈族 The Host of the Eldar
■ 49-號角堡死戰 The Battle of the Hornburg
○ 50-古樹人語 Old Entish
○ 51-攻陷深溪橋 The Breach of the Deeping Wall
○ 52-樹人會議的決定 The Entmoot Decides
■ 53-退到號角堡 The Retreat to the Hornburg
○ 54-皮聘的計畫 Master Peregrin's Plan
○ 55-奧斯吉力亞斯 Osgiliath
■ 56-樹人的最後一擊 The Last March of the Ents
○ 57-戒靈來襲 The Nazgul Attack
○ 58-洛汗國之歌 Forth Eorlingas
○ 59-水淹艾辛格 The Flooding of Isengard
○ 60-真正有意義的故事 The Tales That Really Mattered
☆ 61-法貢森林到聖盔谷 Fangorn Comes to Helm's Deep
☆ 62-最後的總分 The Final Tally
☆ 63-意外驚喜 Flotsam and Jetsam
☆ 64-向法拉墨道別 Farewell to Faramir
○ 65-中土世界聖戰才要開始 The Battle for Middle-earth is About to Begin
○ 66-咕魯的計畫 Gollum's Plan