符號說明: ○原本場景 ☆全新場景 ■加長場景
■ 01-序幕: 至尊魔戒馭眾戒 Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
☆ 02-關於哈比人 Concerning Hobbits
■ 03-夏爾 The Shire
■ 04-老朋友 Very Old Friends
■ 05-期待已久的宴會 Long-Expected Party
○ 06-再會,親愛的比爾博 Farewell Dear Bilbo
○ 07-你要保密,把它藏起來 Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
○ 08-埃西鐸的故事 The Account of Isildur
☆ 09-綠龍酒吧 At the Green Dragon
○ 10-過往黯影 The Shadow of the Past
☆ 11-精靈族的式微 The Passing of the Elves
○ 12-白袍巫師薩魯曼 Saruman the White
○ 13-往蘑菇田的捷徑 A Short Cut to Mushrooms
○ 14-巴寇伯理渡口 Bucklebury Ferry
○ 15-在那躍馬招牌下 At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
■ 16-戒靈 The Nazgul
☆ 17-弱水沼澤 The Midgewater Marshes
○ 18-艾辛格的腐敗 The Spoiling of Isengard
○ 19-黑暗中的小刀 A Knife in the Dark
○ 20-艾辛格的地窟 The Caverns of Isengard
■ 21-渡口大逃亡 Flight to the Ford
○ 22-瑞文戴爾 Rivendell
○ 23-多次會議 Many Meetings
○ 24-魔戒的命運 The Fate of the Ring
■ 25-斷裂的聖劍 The Sword That Was Broken
○ 26-亞玟 The Evenstar
■ 27-愛隆王會議 The Council of Elrond
☆ 28-悼念吉爾蘭 Gilraen's Memorial
○ 29-比爾博的禮物 Bilbo's Gifts
☆ 30-魔戒遠征隊啟程 The Departure of the Fellowship
■ 31-魔戒南行 The Ring Goes South
■ 32-卡蘭拉斯山 The Pass of Caradhras
■ 33-摩瑞雅礦坑 Moria
■ 34-黑暗中的里程 A Journey in the Dark
■ 35-巴林之墓 Balin's Tomb
○ 36-凱撒督姆之橋 The Bridge of Khazad-dum
■ 37-羅斯洛力安 Lothlorien
■ 38-卡拉斯加拉頓 Caras Galadhon
■ 39-凱蘭崔爾之水鏡 The Mirror of Galadriel
○ 40-強獸人 The Fighting Uruk-Hai
■ 41-再會,羅瑞安 Farewell to Lorien
■ 42-大河 The Great River
○ 43-帕斯加蘭 Parth Galen
■ 44-遠征隊分道揚鑣 The Breaking of the Fellowship
■ 45-波羅莫的告別 The Departure of Boromir
○ 46-長路漫漫 The Rod Goes Ever on